Ezekiel 48:35

Ezekiel 48:35 - And the name of that city shall be "THE LORD IS THERE"

Monday, April 15, 2013

April: Resurrection

Jesus is not dead, he is alive. He rose from the dead three days after he was crucified. Most people have heard this, whether they believe it or not. For we who believe that Jesus, our King, truly rose from the dead, what does that mean for us today? How does that change our lives? Does it just guarantee us a ticket into heaven, or is there a much deeper power behind the resurrection than access to a future Paradise? Let’s find out why our King rose.
Main Scripture
Matthew 28
1 Corinthians 15
Ephesians 2
Revelation 19

Week 1: What does Jesus’ resurrection mean for the world?
            Here we come.
Matthew 28:18-20

At Home:
Visit operationworld.org to see what the mission of the church looks like in action. Pick a country to pray for this week (or for a long time); the site will tell you what they need! Put some quick facts about them on your fridge or somewhere you will see them every day.

Go to the Summit page of ccc.org and watch the video about how our church and community is involved with the country of Kenya.

Use the map of the early church’s missionary journeys. Talk about some of the places the apostles went and why they went there. (Some of them have books of the Bible named after them.)

Week 2: What does Jesus’ resurrection mean for the church?
            The Church – Acts
            The Holy Spirit
            The Armor of God – Ephesians 6:10-20

At Home:
Find some descriptions and diagrams of armor, modern or ancient. How does the armor of God protect us like armor protects a soldier? Read Ephesians 6:10-20 while you look for the armor.

Read Ephesians 2:8-10. The word “workmanship” means “poem” in the original language the Bible was written, Greek. How are we each like one of God’s unique, important poems? Take some time to write poems about you, your family, and some friends about how they are made by God.

The apostles weren’t always comfortable. In the book of Acts, they were killed and imprisoned. They were also guided by Jesus to do some pretty amazing things, from miracles to talking to the leaders of Rome. Talk about how it must have been to not have lots and lots of people around you who follow Jesus too. The apostles were very brave, bold, and faithful.

Week 3: What does Jesus’ resurrection mean for eternity?
            Revelation 19
            John 14:1-4

At Home:
The celebration and feast in heaven will be forever and limitless. Plan a party that has NO LIMITS. Dream up the coolest, most delicious things you can possibly imagine.  Create one perfect party wherever you want it to be. Then, realize that anything we can imagine to be awesome or perfect will not compare to heaven and what Jesus has prepared for us.
Design the coolest room you can imagine. Do the same things you did with the party: no limits! Then, think about how much better a room will be when it is prepared for you by Jesus.
In Revelation 19, it says that the bride of the marriage supper, the church, will be wearing fine linen, bright and clean. What does that clean linen represent? Talk about how in heaven, there will be no more sin or evil.
In Revelation 19, again, the angel tells John to write, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Well, who is invited to the supper? Should we tell people about it and invite them? (YES!)

Week 4: Sword Drill
            Matthew 28:9
            1 Corinthians 15:55
            Ephesians 2:8
            Revelation 19:7

At Home:
Look up each of these verses, one day at a time. What do they teach us about the resurrection of Jesus?

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