Ezekiel 48:35

Ezekiel 48:35 - And the name of that city shall be "THE LORD IS THERE"

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Presence of God

Moses is almost a secret agent of God. He infiltrated the enemy lines with the skill and cool calm of a certain 007 agent, and learned the ways of those who would become his enemies with the astuteness of Mr. Bean. He did it all as a baby, who had no choice but to accept the situations given to him. 

Those were, namely, being born during a time when all male babies of his nationality (Hebrews) were to be killed upon birth.
His mother didn't follow the rules and sent her son on a river ride which ended with him being adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh.
After he grew up, he realized that his people were the Hebrew slaves. He saw one of them being abused by an Egyptian slave-master, and reacted by killing the Egyptian.
He then escaped to the lands outside of Egypt, namely Midian, where he took up residence, married, and became a shepherd.

During one of the days of his shepherding, he happened upon a bush that was ablaze, though the fire did not destroy the shrub. This shrub turned out to be a holy one, and God spoke to Moses through it.

God told Moses to return to Egpyt and to ask Pharaoh to let the Israelites (Hebrew people) leave their slavery in Egypt. Moses, however was bit worried. (Eventually, he took the task, with some help from his brother, and got the Israelites out of Egypt with lots of drama and action. This post is mainly focused on what God told Moses to say in regards to who sent Moses to free the people.) 

Moses asked God "If I come to the people of Israel and say to them 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you.' and they ask me 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?"

And God replied, "I AM WHO I AM. Say this to the people of Israel, I AM has sent me to you." 

Here we go:
Moses entered the presence of God via the burning bush. He never left the presence of God when he left the presence of the holy shrub. God was always with Moses. 

God told Moses his name was "I AM" and that the people of Israel would know him by that name. Jesus, called himself "I AM" by telling us seven different things that he is. Those are in the book of John, and are:

I AM the bread of life - John 6
I AM the light of the world - John 8
I AM the good shepherd - John 10
I AM the gate - John 10
I AM the resurrection and the life - John 11
I AM the way, the truth, and the life - John 14
I AM the true vine - John 15

Jesus was God in human form.
God saying "I AM" means that he is, he always has been, and always will be.
When Jesus says "I AM" all these things, he tells us that he will never cease to be them, and that he always has been.

Moses entered the presence of God at that burning bush and never left it.
When Jesus came and was ultimately resurrected after his sacrifice, then we now never ever leave his presence. God remains with us at all times. 

Jesus is our life, our vine, our resurrection. He never leaves us. His name is I AM, and he always will be. We must believe, follow, and bring others to know his presence.

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