Ezekiel 48:35

Ezekiel 48:35 - And the name of that city shall be "THE LORD IS THERE"

Monday, January 11, 2021

three things i am marinating on after january sixth twenty-twenty-one

 1. I’m thankful for the makeup of the 12 disciples, who were all so different to their core but still were united by Jesus. There were tax collectors, fisherman, a zealot, and others. People from all corners of society who likely had strong feelings and opinions about the workings of the world, yet they followed Jesus together. The zealot likely wanted to act passionately, the fishermen perhaps wanted to change classism, maybe the tax collectors kept hoping Jesus would reinforce their wealth…but they found themselves following Jesus and maybe little by little they began to let Jesus guide them first instead of their own personal agendas. 


2. I’m thankful for the apostle Peter. Peter frequently said and did what we look at as “the wrong thing” yet still was so close to Jesus. He received correction and changed. And when he was asked by Jesus, “Who do you say that I am?” his answer was, “You are the Messiah.” Even still, he denied Jesus and attacked one of Jesus’ arresters with a sword, doing and saying the wrong thing and acting in a way Jesus didn’t want. He repented and changed.

Am I saying or doing the wrong thing right now, thinking I am acting in the name of Jesus? What do I need to do to change and to make sure I am first allegiant to Jesus instead of something I want or something I have misinterpreted / misunderstood Jesus to be about? We must be humble and repent.


3. Philippians…Philippians. Especially Philippians 2. Humility. Allegiance to Jesus. 

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